The assembly elections for three states Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Kerala are proposed to be conducted on April 13, 2011. The election commission is taking various measures to suppress cash and gifts in exchange of votes. It is also believed that sudden announcement of the election commission to finish the elections quickly may help to avoid the cash for vote to some extent. If this is the condition here, the present Wikileaks exposures have rocked the parliament.
According to Wikileaks, the ruling Congress party has bribed MPs to vote in favor of them during the confidence vote in July 2008 for the Nuke deal to be cleared. It also exposed that the congress party leader Kamal Nath who was the minister of Commerce and Industry offered small planes as bribes for those MPs who are willing to vote in favor of them.
The BJP and the left have protested against this in Parliament and demanded the immediate resignation of the government.
But what makes me to think in this concern is, the same have been brought into the notice of people by the media channels where the video footage of a MP trying to bribe with cash in the parliament had been telecasted. Most of them very well aware that the same happened during the confidence vote, but why now the heat is spreading after the Wikileak exposure. Are the opposition really want to suppress the corruption and bring back democracy or just they want to keep the heat on opposition along with the other scams?
Who is actually interested in people? Day by day such corruptions and scams lies on the front page of the newspaper and headlines of the news channel. But when time moves on people too forget, is this why the opposition wants to keep the heat on the ruling party? When a cricket team loses the captain is forced to come out of his captaincy in spite of his individual performance, but is this same in politics. I don’t think so. Nobody is ready to take the responsibility.
The only solution is that we people should know how to tackle it. You may ask whether it is possible to tackle. Definitely yes and the revolution in gulf countries is an example. We have our duty to vote which actually decides their fate. This is the only time when we can push those corrupt leaders out of the Parliament. Keep these incidents in mind and vote rightly during the elections.
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